This towel warmer earned The Best rating from the Hammacher Schlemmer Institute because it left towels the warmest and produced the most consistent heat. After 30 minutes, The Best model heated towels to a cozy 130° F, warmer than the worst performing model by 39.6° F. Lesser warmers also left cold pockets toward the interior of the towel, but The Best Heated Towel Warmer recorded minimal temperature variation and effectively heated the entire towel surface. It was also rated as the easiest model to operate thanks to an easy-to-read control panel and its lightweight, yet durable construction. The compact, lightweight unit can hold two 40" x 70" towels and can also be used to warm bathrobes, clothing, and blankets. With a built-in timer and automatic shut off. AC plug. White. 21 1/4" L x 12" W x 12" D. (8 1/2 lbs.)
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